Who are we?
A Network of Health & Human Service Providers for Osceola County
Internet Search Tools for Finding Help
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Find free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more.
211 Community Resources
Every day, hundreds of people across Central Florida turn to 211 for information, referral and support — whether for financial assistance, health programs, and more.
Florida Department of Children & Families
The Department of Children and Families Public Benefits and Assistance help promote strong and economically self-sufficient communities by determining eligibility for food, cash, and medical assistance for individuals and families in Florida.
Food Pantry Locator
Second Harvest Food Bank works with 550 local feeding partners to provide food to our Central Florida neighbors in need. If you are looking for food assistance, you can search by your address or zip code
Resources at your fingertips
2023Â Alice Report
The United Way ALICE Project provides a framework, language, and tools to measure and understand the struggles of a population called ALICE — an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.
ALICE is the growing number of households in our communities that do not earn enough to afford basic
Osceola Strategies for a Sustainable Future
Embracing sustainability means thinking differently about how we do everything. In Osceola, doing things differently has become a way of life. For the past decade or more, the County has implemented a number of innovative programs, projects, and initiatives.
Heart of Florida United Way 211 report
Each year, 16 million people in the United States dial 2-1-1 for help with basic needs like food and shelter or emergency services. 2-1-1 Counts is the first tool to provide real-time, searchable and visual presentations of data from 2-1-1 call centers across the nation. Click this link to generate a report of requested social services specific to Osceola County.
Media Center
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United Way Alice Report
ALICE refers to the population in our communities that are Asset Limited, income constrained, Employed. The ALICE population represents those among us who are working, but due to childcare costs, transportation challenges, high cost of living and so much more are living paycheck to paycheck.